Fruit Raspberry 'Heritage Red'

Grower's Comments: The most popular everbearing variety with excellent fruit. Can be cultivated for spring and fall crops especially in the north. Needs no staking, if mowed to the ground early each spring. Heritage will bear a large crop from new growth from August to late fall in NC. Space 3' apart in 5' wide beds of good garden soil.

Spring - Ever Bearing Variety

Varies; does not need cane supports


USDA Zone 3 to USDA Zone 9

Full sun


The Heritage red raspberry has been given the 2004 Outstanding Fruit Cultivar Award by the American Society of Horticultural Sciences. This cultivar was released by Cornell University 35 years ago in recognition of a berry with a significant impact on the fruit industry. Growing Magazine , pg. 24, January 2005


3 gal $18.85
2 gal $12.00
1 gal $8.85

Brambles are perennial plants with a biennial growth and fruiting habit. The perennial part is in a storage root, which has enough cold hardiness to continue above ground growth from year to year. Their biennial part is in the new growth (primocanes) which can over winter flower (floricanes), bear fruit the following season and die after fruiting. This makes it necessary to prune or remove the canes which have produced fruit.

The red raspberry root system develops in the first 4 inches of soil. Roots develop shoot buds in the fall and emerge in spring as floricane. The leader bud produces vigorous canes until the cold weather limits more growth then becomes a floricane in the second year on June-bearing cultivars. Larger and taller canes usually produce more than shorter canes. Pruning ever bearing raspberry Fruits of the fall bearing cultivars are produced on the tops of the first year canes or primocanes. Most gardeners and growers aim for a fall crop on these bushes although a summer crop can be produced as well. To produce a fall crop the canes should be mowed or cut at ground level. Pruning should be done with a sickle bar or an instrument that will produce a clean cut. To eliminate most diseases the canes should be taken away from the planting. Pruning in this manner should be done no earlier than late winter, no later than when new growth starts to emerge. Canes that produced on their tops in the fall will produce on the same cane below where they produced the previous fall if the canes are not mowed. So, a cane grows up,produces fruit on its top,goes dormant and fruits the following spring.