About Hazelnut

Corylus Americana

Relatives: Birch, Hornbeam

The name "Corylus " originates from 'korys', which meas helmet or hood, after the husk of the nut. The term 'filbert' might have come from 'full beard', describing its long, leafy husk. The American Hazelnut is native to North America, Canada, China and Japan, and the nuts of the American Hazelnut has been an important food source throughout history.
Pollen studies in Europe have found evidence of Hazelnuts in large areas of Europe between 7500-5500 BC. The Romans burned Hazelnuts torches during weddings to ensure fertility and a happy marriage. And in England, it has long been believed that if you court your sweetheart beneath a Hazelnut tree, you are assured of happiness.


Really more of a shrub or small tree, they are moderately fast growing and live for 75 - 85 years, on average. They are many stemmed. The leaves are deciduous, rounded with a heart shaped base and double toothed. The slightly wrinkled leaves are dark green and coarse during the growing season, and turn yellow in autumn. They produce both female flowers and male catkins and are pollinated primarily by wind. While they are censidered self fertile or semi self fertile, they will produce a larger crop with another Hazelnut planted nearby for better pollination. The fruits are born in clusters, with each nut encased within its own green, leafy husk, and when dry, the nut is released. The nuts are smooth and brown when ripe with a single, brown kernel.


Full sun and need about 800 hours of chilling for proper fruit set. They grow well in moist but well drained loam, and actually do quite well in clay soils. Keeping well mulched helps, along with an annual application of a general fertilizer. Prune to shape and to limit suckering. Generally pest free in our area.


Avalon Blanche, Barcelona, Crosford, Kentish Cob, rode Zeller, Tonda de Giffoni,, others.